Tuesday 3 December 2013

Seventh Post: Audience Challenge, Tesco Value Korma

Today on 'Adventures in Depressing Food for One' I will be following up on Sarah's challenge and tackling a Tesco Everyday Value ready meal: Chicken Korma

I have decided that I will only be doing one request meal per month, on account of the general sadism of my internet friends. Last time I left myself at the mercy of facebook I ended up with two-tone dyed pubic hair. I looked like Keith Flint.


I have eaten the Tesco's standard Korma an awful lot. It will be interesting to compare it to the budget version. First impression is that upon piercing the film lid a stench of cabbage emerged. This does not bode well.

The decanting experience was quite bad. It didn't come out cleanly, and the sauce was much more liquid than one would expect from a Korma. The sauce visibly settled on the plate, with the front being preceeded by a thick and visible ring of oil.

Not Sure I am ready for this
 The chicken is a little chalky and dry but not really much different to any other ready meal you might care to name.

The sauce is...how do I put this...gritty. In addition, there's some strips of some sort of vegetable in the sauce. I really can't put my finger on it...perhaps celery? I would check the ingredients but I am scared of finding out that there are actually no vegetables in it. 

The marketing says that this is 'Made only with kitchen cupboard ingredients'. That's a weird statement given that I have bleach in a kitchen cupboard. Even if you exclude non-food items, I think you would have a hard time rustling up a chicken korma out of the end of a bulk bag of pasta, some teabags and expired herbs and spices.

Having spent so much money on the premium range I really don't see the difference. Viscosity is no reason to spend an extra pound.
Price: 95p
E Numbers Preservatives and non-food ingredients: suspiciously absent
Respect for Tesco: Growing
Rating: 9/10

This was actually pretty damn tasty, super cheap and it didn't seem to have any real difference in quality from the preservative-riddled normal one. Oh the money I have wasted. I feel like a Death Stick dealer, and this Everyday Value Chicken Korma is my Obi-Wan.

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